Montag, 1. Juni 2009

The Brooklyn Zoo !!!

Brooklyn NYC banger by a group called The Brooklyn Zoo !!!

Some of you may know The Brooklyn Zoo because of their worldwide Cold Chillin distributed 1995 release "Masters Of The Zooniverse", but The Brooklyn Zoo released 2 (in my opinion better) bangin 12"s earlier independently on their own:

"Boo" (1994)

"The Year 2000" (1994)

This one right here is the "The Year 2000" 12" from 1994 (not sure which one of those two burners came out first) on Together Forever Productions / Brooklyn Zoo Records !!!

The 12" is completely produced by Tony T and features 2 dope tracks titled "The Year 2000" & "The New Shit" !!!

If you don´t own both of their 1994 releases by now i would recommend to watch out for them pretty fast cause they are both hot as hell !!!

Check out a sample of "The Year 2000":